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International Students Handbook

发布时间:2017-03-06  来源: 555000jc线路检测中心首页

I. Rules for International Students
1. International students shall abide by Chinese laws, respect Chinese religious policies and moral principles, and customs.
2. Observe the school's rules and regulations.
3. Work hard, adheres to fine style of study, and earnestly complete the learning tasks.
4. Display good manners and consciously safeguard personal image and national dignity.
5. Exercise, pay attention to hygiene, personal and property safety.
6. Respect teachers and school staff.
7. Respect students, unite them and treat them amicably.
8. Respect for religious beliefs and customs of students from different countries.
9. Maintain and promote friendship and unity among peoples of all countries.
II. Admissions, Registration, and Instructions for Leaving School
1. New students studying in China are required to hold the Letter of Admission and Visa Application Form for Foreign Students Studying in China and register at the required time. Those who do not arrive at school within the time limit, they shall explain the reasons and apply for leave clearance procedures. If they do not register within two weeks after the school starts, they will be disqualified for admission.
Registration process
(1) Register at the Foreign Affairs Office, present the Letter of Admission and Visa Application Form for Foreign Students Studying in China, hand in the passport, and submit 2 full-color 4-inch photos without hat.
(2) Pay tuition, accommodation and other expenses.
(3) Obtain the International Student Handbook of the Xinjiang Arts Institute and class schedules and handle other matters relating to study.
(4) Sign the Contract for International Students of the Xinjiang Arts Institute.
(5) The Foreign Affairs Office handles students’card in a unified manner.
2. Upon graduation or completion of courses, a certificate of completion will be issued to foreign students based on their results. International students shall leave China within the validity period of the visa or residence permit. We will not apply for extension of residence permit.
III. Instructions to Medical Examination
All foreign students who hold an X visa and have a study period of more than six months must go to the Urumqi Entry-Exit Inspection and Quarantine Bureau for medical examination (the required fee is paid by themselves in RMB).
Students need to carry the following documents for physical examination:
Passport, visa original and photocopy and two 2.2- inch bareheaded photos
Notes for physical examination:
1. Physical examinees shall eat less meat three days before the physical examination.
2. Shall not drink alcoholic beverages
3. Take physical examination with an empty belly.
4. Ensure a good sleep.
5. Medical examination time: 10:00 am to 12:00 am
Newly admitted students who fail to pass the medical examination (not meeting the health standards for foreigners issued by China's national health and quarantine department) shall return home immediately.
IV. Residence Permits and Insurance
 (1) Students studying in China shall apply for a residence permit in China to Urumqi Municipal Public Security Bureau within 30 days from the date of entry. Students must apply for a residence permit every year after entering the school. Otherwise, the public security organs will charge the penalty according to relevant regulations (500 yuan for one day delay in renewal of the residence permit. When applying for a residence permit, the following documents shall be prepared:
1. JW202 Form or JW201 Form
2.  Letter of Admission
3. Medical examination and verification certificate issued by the health and quarantine department within last 6 months.
4. Residence registration card issued by police station in residence management area.
5. Letters of introduction issued by the school and signing letters from police stations and public security bureaus.
6. Passport, recent visa with entry stamp and its copy.
7. 2-inch bareheaded photos with white background.
8. Fees for visa is 800 yuan/year
 (2) When a foreign student enters into China, he/she must register for accommodation at the local police station within 24 hours after arrival at the school. He/she will receive a warning in incase of violation of this regulation for the first time, has to pay 500 yuan as penalty for the second time and will be detained for the third time.
 (3) If an international student leaves the school without notice to the Foreign Affairs Office, the school will unilaterally cancel his or her residence permit from the Public Security Bureau. The bad record will affect his or her re-application for entry into China.
 (4) All registered students must enroll in health insurance, and pay premiums of 600RMB per year, and go through the relevant formalities within the Foreign Affairs Office within two weeks after enrollment. 
V. Fees
The tuition fee and accommodation fee for each school year should be paid by the bank card to the Finance and Accounting Department when students enroll in the school. Those who do not pay tuition or accommodation fees within one month, they will be automatically dropped out of school.
VI. Teaching System
1. International students coming to China will be taught according to the teaching plan arranged by the department of our school. The main task of the international students is to study. They can participate in various activities arranged by the department without affecting the learning.
2. The special classroom for foreign students is provided by their department. International students shall consciously abide by the study discipline, attend classes on time, and shall not be absent from school, be late for school or leave early. Without permission, facilities in the classroom shall not be moved freely.
3. During class, teachers and students should turn off their mobile phones so as not to interfere with normal teaching.
VII. Attendance and Rules of Asking for Leaving and Resumption from Leave
If foreign students who are absent from school for illness or who come to China for illness or affairs and miss 4 classes or below, they shall first ask for leave orally to course teacher first, and afterwards submit a written request for leave. If they miss more than 4 classes and less than 10 classes, they should submit a written request for leave to their department. If they miss more than 10 classes, they should obtain written approval from the department first and then the approval from the Foreign Affairs Office. Those who don’t take leave or leave without approval and did not attend classes were treated as absent from school.
Foreign students will be dismissed if they accumulatively abstain from school for 30% of the total class hours during the semester.
International students in China can enjoy Chinese holidays and school summer and winter vacations, but they can’t take holidays of their home country.
VIII. Dormitory Management System
1. International students shall obey the arrangement of the dormitory management staff and stay in designated rooms. They are not allowed to exchange or seize the room privately.
2. Those who have already lost their student qualifications should leave the school within the prescribed time limit and move away from the school dormitory. Housing will not be provided and leftover items will handled as unowned items in case of overstay.
3. International students need to keep quiet in the dormitory and shall not engage in activities that affect others' learning and rest, such as dancing, making loud noises, playing loud music, etc.
4. Do not store large amounts of cash and valuables in the dormitory. Keep your own property properly and take care of yourself. Do not lend your keys to others.
5. Do not damage, disassemble, or modify the equipment and lines in the dormitory. You have to make compensation in case of damage or loss of public property.
6. Please save water and electricity.
7. Observe regulations on fire prevention and prevent fires. It is strictly prohibited to tamper with the distribution box, fire fighting equipment and other equipment, to store flammables and explosives indoors. Those who have ignited a fire must compensate for all economic losses and shall be transferred to the judicial authorities.
8. If dormitory management personnel need to enter the room due to work needs, international students should cooperate with them. They shall not refuse them or change or install locks privately.
IV. Other regulations
1. International students must abide by Chinese laws, regulations and school rules and regulations. Violators will be punished.
2. International students should come to China for the purpose of learning. They should be friendly to Chinese and not be involved in China's internal affairs. Any activity they engage in shall not obstruct China's social order, infringe others’ rights, or endanger China's national security and interests.
3. International students must cooperate with the Security Department of our school on the security work and regularly accept relevant inspections.
4. Student with visas are not allowed to engage in work, business and other activities in China.
5. Gambling, fights, drug abuse, drug trafficking, and other activities that interfere with school teaching, research, and order of life are strictly prohibited.
6. Foreign students shall not conduct missionary activities inside or outside the school.
7. Suspicious individuals shall be reported to public security agencies and security offices of the school in time
X. Useful Tips
1. Address
Address of Xinjiang Arts Institute: 734 Tuanjie Road, Tianshan District, Urumqi 830049, Xinjiang Uyghur Autonomous Region.
Bus stop: Stop of Xinjiang Arts Institute. You can take bus No. 10, 60, 61, 920 and 70.
Address of Urumqi Entry-Exit Inspection and Quarantine Bureau: 237 Gaoxin Street, High-tech Zone, Urumqi
Bus stop: Xiaoxigou Stop, you can take BRT 1, bus No. 52, 153, 922, 305 and 201.
Address of Certificate Hall of Urumqi Public Security Bureau: Zone B, Yimin Mansion, Huizhan Ave.
Bus stop: Stop of Yimin Mansion, you can take bus No. 518 and 502.
2. Campus card
International students apply for campus cards when entering school. If you run out of money on the campus card, you need to recharge on the first floor of the student restaurant. If you campus card is lost, you should go to the Student Card Center to report the loss for re-issuance of the card. Both campus cafeterias and supermarkets can use campus cards for payment. Note: the cost of 20 yuan will be charged for lost or damaged card.
3. Dining
The dining hall of the Xinjiang Arts Institute has four storeys. International students may choose meals according to their needs. It is not allowed to cook and use electrical appliances in the student residence apartment.
International students should pay attention to food hygiene when dining out of school, and they should seek medical attention in case of physical discomfort.
4. Medical treatment
If your condition is not serious, you can go to the school medical clinic.
If your condition is serious, please go to the hospital for medical treatment.
5. Relevant Rules for Borrowing Books from Library
Foreign students may apply for a library card with their student’s card which is limited to the student's own use.
International students should abide by the relevant rules and regulations of the library.
Before leaving the school, foreign students should take the initiative to return the borrowed books and their library card to the Foreign Affairs Office.
6. Others
There is a washing machine (Room 101) on the ground floor of the International Student Apartment. For dry cleaning, please go to the inner laundry.
If the equipment in the dormitory is damaged, please contact the housing management personnel and relevant departments in time.
7. Contact information of the related department
Fire Alarm: 119; Bandit Alarm: 110; First Aid: 120; Traffic Police: 114
Security Office: 2572713
Water and Electricity Dept.: 2552738
Foreign Affairs Office
Jamila: 2590391, 18999861235
Office of Teaching Chinese as a Foreign Language of the Department of Culture and Arts
Li Chunhong: 2560837, 13565918160